
This Blog will provide information and resources on efforts to implement the new federal Money Follows the Person legislation, legislation designed to enhance the ability of people with disabilities to live in the community instead of in institutions.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Source: The Center for an Accessible Society
2980 Beech St
San Diego, CA 92102
(619) 232-2727


Millions of Americans depend on Medicaid to finance their long-term services. But 80 percent of all Medicaid long-term care funds go to nursing homes and other institutional service providers. Only 20 percent supports people living in the community. To be blunt, the government is now spending $45 billion a year to warehouse 2 million Americans, many of whom could receive services in their own homes. This issue will become more acute as the U.S. population ages. Today, roughly 13 percent of the population is over age 65, with 2 percent over age 85. By the year 2040, however, the percentage of Americans over 65 will jump to 21 percent, including 4 percent over 85, thanks to the demographic phenomenon of the "baby boom."


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