
This Blog will provide information and resources on efforts to implement the new federal Money Follows the Person legislation, legislation designed to enhance the ability of people with disabilities to live in the community instead of in institutions.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Texas Money Follows the Person

Source: Steve Gold, Esq.

Texas' Money Follows the Person has operated since September, 2003.
Here is the data for the past nearly two and a half years.

Since it began in Texas, 10,711 people have opted to leave the nursing
facilities, have the institutional MA funds follow them, and move into the
community. Who are these 10,771people and where did they move?

1. Who are they?

Nearly 7.5% are over 90 years of age, and 10 were over 100 years old.
About 38% were under 65 years old, and 11% were under 44 years.
Another 19% were between 65 and 74.

65% were female and 64% were white (not of Hispanic origin).

2. What were their living arrangements when they left the nursing

Nearly all received Medicaid Waiver services.

22% live alone, 47% live with family, and 2% live with other persons
who are in a waiver program.

Most of the remaining 29% live primarily in Residential Care or Adult

It seems quite reasonable to conclude for at least the 69% who live
either alone or with their families that Texas and the federal
government's Medicaid Programs save significant amounts of money. One
estimate is that Texas saves between 20 and 35% of what it previously
spent for these people in nursing facilities.

Texas's Money Follows the Person has never had an enhanced federal
which will now be available with the new federal Money Follows the Person
MA legislation.

Disability Advocates:

1. Your States can begin a Money Follows the Person program NOW - like
Texas did, or

2. It is estimated that in late August the federal RFP will be available
for the enhanced federal match.

3. Either way, there is NO EXCUSE for States NOT to start a Money
Follows the Person program.

If your State's MA officials wish to learn more about the Texas success,
they can email Mark Gold (not a relative), Manager, Promoting Independence
Initiative, TX Dept of Aging and Disability Services, or 512-438-2260.


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